Thursday, July 23, 2009

Take the Onion's Advice on How to Enjoy Love and Rockets and Improve Your Life

The Onion A/V Club has been running a regular feature called "Gateways to Geekery," and writer Leonard Pierce just posted an entry telling you how to get into Los Bros Hernandez's Love and Rockets. It's a solid overview with some good advice, marred only by a strange admonition to avoid the monthly issues, as "[its] publishing schedule is erratic, and with no grounding in the characters and situations, you’ll be hopelessly lost one issue in."

No shit. It's an annual book now and hasn't been monthly since approximately 1996, when volume one ended. I don't know if it was even monthly before then. Sex, illegal narcotics, loud rock music and copious amounts of alcohol have removed from my memory almost all events prior to ten minutes ago and consequently I live in the now. Called out in the comments, Pierce recovers with a witty excuse so all's well on that front. I almost want to forgive him for characterizing Archie Goodwin as an "old hack" a while back in an A/V Club article on disastrous revamps.

Hmm... that part of the article seems also to have been revamped, so perhaps forgiveness is in order. Especially since I probably seem like an asshole now for bringing it up in the first place.

If I had to perpetually own up to every idiotic declaration out of my mouth during my life, the mea culpas would begin immediately run nonstop until my invevitable death five years from now-- forseen by my personal soothsayers-- while attempting to recreate Evel Knievel's Snake River Canyon rocket car jump. So forgiveness it is, especially in light of this Love and Rockets love.

After all, evangelizing for Love and Rockets-- which I consider the finest American comic series, period-- is one of my many hobbies (along with stunt motorcyclery, dentistry, hospital clowning and vintage biplane barnstorming, to name but a few). So I highly recommend you check out Pierce's article and then take his well-considered advice before reading anything else or going to work or even performing basic hygiene.

Now, dammit! Scoot!

PS-- Enjoy the lively comment section not only for Pierce's awesome retort to the "monthly" mistake, but also for the one ignoramus who brings up the band in an embarrassingly failed attempt at humor that should lead to a lifetime of shame and isolation.

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