Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nodame Is Stalking Me...

It's so strange. I barely gave Nodame Cantabile a thought before Ueno Juri started staring at me from those doughnut posters. Then I bought the manga... and now I can't escape her!

Today at work, my bosses were playing Nodame Cantabile: Final Movement First and Second Volumes, a CD of classical selections inspired by the movie adaptation of the popular manga and TV drama series. Lots of J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart and Ravel, plus a few others.

This reminds me once again of when I worked for Nova and the movie Nana came out, our Japanese staff piled volumes of the manga high on the lunch table in their tiny breakroom. As a comic book fan, I really dig living in a country that's so comic crazy people actually buy the comic after they see the movie, or see the movie because they read the comic. Or buy the soundtrack album to the movie based on the comic and play it all day at the office where I work.

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