Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dick Giordano Passes...

That's very sad news. Dick Giordano, a comics legend, died at age 77 on March 27th.

I'm a Neal Adams fan and specifically a Neal Adams-when-inked-by-Dick Giordano fan. It's difficult to separate the two; Giordano's own pencils and inks often resembled his work with Adams to my untutored eyes. Their Batman is far and away my favorite of all the Batmen I've seen.

What gorgeous lines. What well-proportioned, dynamic figures, alive on the page. Adams art inked by Adams is a fine thing indeed, but Giordano's inks gave Adams's work an extra oomph. Their collaborations have influenced practically every superhero comic book artist since.

George Perez's pencils looked especially tasty under Giordano's inks, too. And I always enjoyed Giordano's "Meanwhile..." columns. I know little or nothing about how his role in the creator's rights battles back in the day, unfortunately. Wikipedia cites his "hardline stance on behalf of DC," with some footnotes at the end of the article to various letters in publications like The Comics Journal. But unless I can find a primary source, I reserve judgement.

What I do know is practically everyone into American comics has already posted about this, but since 60s and 70s era comics are a special love of mine, and since I've derived so much enjoyment from Dick Giordano's work over the course of my own life, I just thought I should post something about his passing.

Thank you, Mr. Giordano, and good afternoon. And good night.


  1. Yep Adams/Giordano Batman is by far my favourite too! I love Dick's inking. Never confusing or misleading, but certainly not mechanical in any way.

    If I ever needed to dip into the 'inspiration well' Giordano's stuff was never too far away.
    Man! the comics world has truly lost a great talent.

  2. That's it exactly. He always kept the flavor of the penciller's work, too. I really hate when inkers obliterate that. With Adams and Giordano, it felt organic, like a true collaboration between like-minded artists.

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