Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Gave Away Even More Comics!

Yes, yes, everything must go. Traveling time is near and loads must lighten, possessions must divest. Dreams of leaving, dreams of movement... and the gift of comics. On Friday I finished the main phase of the Great Comics Giveaway. All that remains now are a few DC Showcase House of... books. I really tried to push those on people, but they didn't want them.

Books changing hands included Bongo Comics' Free Comics Day Free For All book from 2009, Bleach volume 18, Marvel's Essential Tomb of Dracula volume 2 (declared by its amused recipient to have "A lot of words!"), Mike Allred's The Complete Madman Comics Volume 2 with an introduction in his typical sexually-crude-yet-sentimental style by Kevin Smith and a guest appearance by the Big Guy. This last book went to a lawyer who asked, "Which do you recommend?"

"This one," I told her and slid the book down the table.

When asked directly, I always recommend Mike Allred's work. Unless the question is about food or automobiles. Then I only frequently recommend Mike Allred's work.

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