Monday, March 15, 2010

Spain Rodriguez Talks Che! And Still More of the Great Comics Giveaway!

SPAIN RODRIGUEZ: A Legendary Underground Cartoonist from Revel In on Vimeo.

As in Guevara, the revolutionary. Not the stadium that bears his name. Just kidding. I stole that joke from The Rutles.

A friend of mine posted this link to me on Facebook, telling me, "Right up your alley." And he's right. I love these old underground artists, and while I've long been acquainted with Spain Rodriguez by name-- which is spectacular, by the way-- I hadn't seen a whole lot of his work. I'm also deeply interested in 60s counterculture and political movements and have been since childhood.

Time to look into getting a copy of Che: A Graphic Biography.

But before adding to my comic book collection, I still need to give away dozens of books. Today, I handed over John Byrne's nifty The Compleat Next Men, Volume 1 to a shaggy-haired, good natured college dude. Later in the evening, I gave some trades to a class of high school students. The young man got the kickass Astonishing X-Men, Vol. 3: Torn by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday, while the two young women received the cleverly titled yet lackluster (putting it kindly) Batgirl: Kicking Assassins and the wildly uneven New Mutants Classic, Vol. 2 by Chris Claremont and Sal Buscema. And for my last giveaway of the day, I gave a young woman-- also a college student-- a choice of the first two generally awesome Batgirl collections or the adorable Re-Gifters by Mike Carey, Marc Hempel and Sonny Liew.

"What kind of... stories are these comics?" she asked cautiously.

"Well, these are action-adventure," I told her, pointing at the Batgirl books. "And this one is kinda like shojo manga," I said, tapping Re-Gifters.

She snatched up Re-Gifters and said, "Thank you so much for giving this to me!"

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