Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Cassandra Cain Batgirl as a Garbage Pail Kid!

I did another of my patented Cassandra Cain news searches-- out of boredom more so than any hope DC had announced some positive plans for using her in a story-- and found this hilarious drawing drawn by Brent Engstrom. It sums up in a single image what DC has done with a formerly compelling character. I'm guessing the fist on the right is Dan Didio's and the fist on the left is Adam Beechen's.

Brent's other art is pretty sweet, too.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's great. It looks like one arm is supposed to be Robin, and the other Deathstroke, but I guess you could interpret it that way.

    Anyway, I haven't heard any news. There's an Asian villain at the end of the new Birds of Prey, and the rumor going around is that it might be Cass, but I'm positive it isn't since a character in the book guesses that it could be her. And the identity of the villain is never the person that anyone guesses.
