Saturday, June 18, 2011

Congratulations to Steve Rude!

The Dude was named a finalist for Outstanding Watercolor in the May 2011 BoldBrush Painting Competition. His piece, titled "Milk-- Straight Up" colorfully depicts two children leaning over a table while sipping milk through straws. It has a definite Norman Rockwell narrative feel, but the creamy, vivid brushwork and vivid colors are pure Steve Rude. The contest page is worth your time because every single one of the paintings on it is a gorgeous piece of work.
I wonder if DC's reboo-- er-- relaunch and its resetting of any number of characters means the Wednesday Comics project has become redundant. If so, that's too bad. The first one was the perfect series for the nostalgic reader and the second one promised some Rude artwork. Now it seems as though DC is trying to have it both ways and fun oddities like Wednesday Comics may not have a place. We'll see!

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